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How to Set Up Your Home Office for Video Conferencing

How to Set Up Your Home Office for Video Conferencing

23rd Feb 2024

If you’ve never taken part in a video conference meeting, you might assume it’s simply a matter of turning on your laptop and logging into the video conferencing platform.

But ask anyone who frequently leads meetings and they will tell you: There’s much more to it than that! Issues with audio and internet bandwidth are common. You also have to consider your background; a messy or unevenly lit room can be very distracting for meeting participants.

A thoughtfully planned home office space can help. Here are a few guidelines to follow as you set up your home office for video conferencing.

1. Evaluate Potential Office Spaces in Your House

There are certain rooms in every home that aren’t suited to be converted into home offices. 

Even if you set aside the obvious ones, such as kitchens and laundry rooms, there are still rooms that may appear to be ideal spaces for your new home office, but are, in reality, ill-equipped for it. 

As you ponder which room allows for the best video conferencing setup for your home office, consider the following:

  • Does the room have enough natural light during midday to maintain a productive and vibrant workspace?
  • Is the room free of excess noise, both from outside and within the home?
  • Does the room have a wired internet connection or a strong WiFi signal?
  • Is the room in an area of the house where temperatures are relatively stable throughout the day?

2. Prioritize Internet Connectivity

One of the fundamental questions you need to answer as you decide how to set up your home office for video conferencing is whether you can expect consistent internet connectivity throughout your workday. 

While different internet service providers (ISPs) may promise faster speeds than any of their competitors, the differences in internet speeds from one provider to the next are for the most part negligible. So, as you set up your home office for video conferencing, focus instead on how your device connects to the internet.

You have two options: Wireless and wired. Although WiFi is the more popular option because it allows you to use the internet throughout your home and on-the-go, it isn’t necessarily the best for video conferencing since the connection is somewhat less stable. 

If you anticipate taking part in meetings via video conferencing, consider plugging your laptop directly into your modem. You’ll enjoy reliable connectivity and still have the option of using WiFi in the rest of your home. 

3. Carefully Choose Your Office Furniture

Home office furniture

No home office setup is complete without a desk and a chair. They’re not only critical for video conferencing, but also play a role in creating a comfortable work environment. 

Adjustable standing desks have become a mainstay in home offices over the past few years as employees seek to limit the amount of time they spend sitting. But the benefits don’t end there. 

Employees can raise or lower their desks to make their backgrounds less distracting. This could include clutter and excessive brightness from a nearby window. It also ensures the camera is always at eye level during meetings. 

As you set up your home office for video conferencing, you can’t forget a comfortable, yet flexible chair. A well-designed office chair should support your lower back while letting you raise and lower its height to keep you centered on the camera. 

4. Plan Your Office Layout to Minimize Distractions

A guiding principle you should take to heart as you decide how to set up your home office for video conferencing is to always question whether objects in the room could represent a distraction for you or others. 

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you need to work in an empty room. After purchasing your office desk and chair, begin contemplating how to set up your home office in a way that minimizes distractions while video conferencing. 

For one, do not place your desk in front of a window. The sun shining on you can create a dark silhouette and make it difficult for participants to see you. And while posters and other wall-mounted knick-knacks may create an inviting atmosphere, they can also cause your co-workers to focus their attention on the wrong place. 

During the home office setup process, place your desk in an area where the video conferencing background is a windowless wall free of clutter and painted in a non-distracting color. If the area doesn’t get sufficient light from the window, position lamps near the desk to create a well-lit, but not overly bright, background. 

5. Finish Off Your Work Area with Video Conferencing Equipment

A webcam

If you’re someone who often leads meetings, your office space isn’t complete without the latest video conferencing equipment

There are two key factors to consider before you can declare your home office setup for video conferencing: Whether other meeting participants can clearly hear and see you. Although there are many devices available to enhance your home office experience, here are a few you can’t ignore:

  • An external microphone designed to maximize sound quality and ensure participants hear everything you say. 
  • An external web camera capable of delivering exceptional video quality.
  • Additional monitors so you can easily cycle between screens during meetings. 
  • Speakers to guarantee you hear everything shared during the back-and-forth with your colleagues.

Of course, there are many brands for each of the devices mentioned above. As you evaluate the range of options available to you, be sure to consider factors such as cost, functionality, and support available to you post-purchase. 

Shop Video Conferencing Gear at CSAV

Well, there you have it! Now you know how to set up your home office for video conferencing. No matter how you decide to set up your workspace, your goal should be to create an environment where communication is clear and distraction-free. Investing in high-quality AV equipment is key to helping you achieve this goal.

If you need quality AV gear for your home office, check out our selection at Chester Springs AV. From video conferencing cameras to headsets, we offer a large and diverse range of AV products to meet all your video conferencing needs. First-time buyers get an exclusive discount. Shop now or contact us for a free consultation with one of our AV experts.

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